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we are the dancing element in Bollywood movies. we are the RM1.60 toll on any goddamn KL road. we are the flying+toppled+burning car accident on federal highway. we are the curry to roti canai. we're Ron Burgundy's mustache.

just like music to anyone's soul, we're significant.

Zigs Picks


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there is always a first

this idea of a music blog didnt take much, but it has been the talk and the dream for the whole year.

let's start it then!

who was your first?

this bunch of guys opened my eyes to what REAL music really is. I was amazed. As creepy as Axl (W. Axl Rose, excuse me) could be with his swirly dance moves, it worked on me. Their music rocked me to the core of my emotions.

I was around 10 then. My sisters were so into them and like a sponge, I baby-sisterly absorbed anything they did and whatever they were into. GNR being one of them. I was never afraid of GNR's soft porn-infused-with-skulls illustrations on their album covers..and their foul lyrics. I thought it was wayyyy too cool.

I had the hugest crush on Duff McKagan. him & Jason Newsted (of Metallica) drew me into playing bass. He was so sexy in those tight ripped carrot jeans. crotch-ripping. still, it was the hair that had me at Hello.

How could anyone ever forget November Rain? Such as classic. 11 minutes of gold. Everything from the video, to the extended version, and the live duet with Sir Elton John, to the song itself....perfect. W. Axl Rose is such a beautiful man. It's hard to point out just one song without mentioning other just equally as good ones.... so I'd have to say, Don't Cry I and II, Paradise City, Used To Love Her, Estranged, Civil War, Welcome To The Jungle were among my faves. :)

The highlight for GNR was the Japan tour, to me. gives me the chills every single time i listen to Slash's version of the Godfather's theme. And Gilby Clarke's version of Rolling Stones' Wild Horses. Even to their last (official) album, The Spaghetti Incident, I feel it's hard for any other band to recreate the vibe they had. Velvet Revolver's not even close. but i still support them.


danielkrane said...

awesome post!
felt the same way about these guys eversince i was like... 3? hehe

Aishah said...

thanx dan! haha 3? your ears barely had its shape then!

those were the days....axl's all fat and if he were to wear whatever he wore last time, the high tops and bicycle tights and the long hair with bandanna and go shirtless.... that'ss just gay today man.

kookie said...

they're making a comeback. i heard this somewhere...
i loved those bicycle tights! i thought it was so cool heehee

Aishah said...

correction, they've been making a comeback for YEARS now!! it's so tak jadi... *sigh* axl and his sweet promises...